Diploma translations Hebrew English 
Translation of diploma, certificates, matriculation, and personal documents,
Certified translation and notarized translations
Hebrew English, Hebrew French, Hebrew Russian, and more
Tel.: 03-5464116 Fax.: 03-5212138
Nahum Rosemberg Translation Services
Hayarkon 256/4 - Tel Aviv 6350403
Birth certificate, marriage certificate, official grade transcript, diploma, matriculation, criminal records, divorce and premarital agreements;
Certified and notarized translations
"Rosemberg Translations" will provide you with an accurate service, professional and reliable in meeting deadlines, even in urgent cases. We possess the experience and skills needed to translate legal documents quickly and accurately.
Diploma translations Hebrew English
The process of ordering your translation project is as follows:
1. Send the scanned document by email @ info@bestlegaltranslations.com or, if you prefer, by fax 03-5212138
2. Once the quote is accepted, we will start working on the translation.
Ways of delivery: e-mail, registered mail, fax, or if you prefer, you can also pick up your translation at our office.
3. The payment is by bank transfer to an account number indicated in the quote, a credit card, or by sending a check to our address. In the case of a bank transfer, please send us proof of payment.
"Rosemberg translations" is a member of the Israel Translators Association (ITA) and is subject to the rules of ethics and discretion.
Diploma translations Hebrew English
Tel.: 03-5464116 Fax.: 03-5212138
Nahum Rosemberg Translation Services
Hayarkon 256/4 - Tel Aviv 6350403